What is underneath the colosseum called

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Also nearby was the Ludus Magnus a training school for gladiators, as well as the Ludus Matutinus, where fighters of animals were trained.

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These were converted from the gardens and the vestibule (monumental entrance) of the emperor Nero’s former palace.

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Moreover, the Summum Choragium was used as a deposit for theatrical scenery and machinery the Sanitarium, where wounded gladiators were treated: and the Spoliarium, where the bodies of those who died in the arena were taken to be stripped of their armour and prepared for burial. It was used for gladiatorial contests and various other public events and performances, and it was connected to several other buildings and structures (also by underground tunnels), including the Armamentarium, where weapons were stored. The Colosseum (or Coliseum) was originally the central building within an extensive complex of structures with various functions that were closely connected to it.

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